Institute for Internal Controls Turkey (IIC Turkey), known and referred to as the Turkish branch of the International Institute for internal Controls (IIC), is a red audit, it and data consulting company.Chairman of the board of directors Funda Kızıl and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Assoc.Dr.It was founded by Cevdet Kızıl on 21 July 2017. In Turkey, the public and private sectors in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the internal control processes covering all of the institutions in the direction of awareness, this awareness certification services with its expert staff, and various institutions and organizations in Turkey to move into educational environments to create awareness and information, internal control, data security, finance and accounting at the same time, local legal requirements through the control of both micro and macro level in order to achieve sustainable growth were given.
In Turkey all public institutions and private institutions computing, data security, finance, accounting and analyze any risks that could lead to operational losses with the aim of educating the younger generations in Turkey reputable and prestigious universities in the opening of the club with regard to internal control were initiated. In this context, internal control clubs opened in universities with the support and contributions of the Internal Control Association (IIC Turkey) have adopted the principle of educating future internal control practitioners with international ethical principles and providing them with support.
Not only students, practitioners have acquired a significant amount of practical experience in the profession in order to identify internal controls, the IIC gain sufficient experience by the Advisory Board, global certification, internal control professionals also within the scope of social responsibility are supported. Certified internal controls Auditor (CICA) and certified Controls Specialist (CCS) certification, professionals with senior level expertise and skills in the areas of internal control and corporate governance, as they have international certification get the chance.
For more information, you can visit both global and local websites via the links below.
International (USA) website :
Turkey Website: