What Is The Family Constitution ? Why Is It Important?....

According to research conducted, it was found that more than 90% of Joint Stock Companies in our country are family companies. And is being a family business a bad thing ? Only in our country ? No...

Let's just say that the majority of family companies are not just unique to our country. For example, in the United States, 90% of companies, 80% of those in Germany and Mexico, 75% of those in Australia and Chile, and 99% of those in Italy are family businesses.

We can't be institutionalized because we're a family business."To say , it's a pretty wrong point of view. Because institutionalization comes into play as an urgent prescription that is needed at this point.

That's where the first trial of a family business begins. Institutionalization in family companies is not just appointing professional managers to the company.

the most important thing that is useful in the first stage is the Family Council and the family constitution. A family constitution prepared by a joint decision of family members in detail and with good consideration is one of the most accurate solutions to this first problem.

But the Family Constitution is not just 'coaching the crown prince'. It is a document that regulates many relationships , from Business Processes, Management and organization, partnership structure, business relations of family members to each other, management and transfer of shares and goods, so that not all family members will have difficulty adapting, as the family and company grow, will prevent the mixing of family relations and Company Affairs.

  In order to ensure the applicability and sustainability of the family constitution, it is important that the overall structure of the company, the family structure and the culture that exists in the company are properly analyzed. For this purpose, the first step should be business analysis and family analysis.


Red audit, as a consultancy; in our family constitution service consisting of 2 steps , a boutique structure suitable for the family company is created by first analyzing the business and then analyzing the family.


The sustainability of companies is the management of companies passed on to the second and third generation. In particular, company managers in developed economies have found the creation of family constitutions and family councils as a remedy for this situation.

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