It is important for both the company shareholders and also the financial information users to benefit from financial reporting. This is only possible by applying independent audit techniques and by assuring as much as proof to provide reasonable assurance at conformability of the administrations’ annual financial statements and other financial information. Financial statements and other financial information should be in line with the laws and international financial reporting standards. In other words, offering transparency and comparability of the financials and financial statements is very important. Briefly, this enables to make the right prediction and analysis related to the financial statements and also prevents the administration’s management and its employees to cheat as well as making frauds. Moreover, audit and assurance enable the administration to find financing with a lower cost besides assisting in preventing the possible uncertainties and risks that might be faced. Adaptation to the legal arrangements and the accounting standards in the global economic conjuncture is also a significant service in the context of audit and assurance, offered by KIZIL.
Audit & Assurance:
Service Package for Preparaion and Adaptaion to
IFRS / The Accouning Standards of Turkey
Insituional Reporing
Special Aimed Audit
Audit of Irregularity
Audit of Compliance
Preparaion and Transformaion of the New Turkish
Commercial Code (TCC) Compliance / The Accouning
Standards of Turkey